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The DIGITISE project (Digital Innovative cross-sector services for Greater citizen Integration in a just energy Transition and Societal Empowerment), funded by the European Commission under GA 101160671, aims to enhance digital literacy and empower consumers and consumers in the energy sector. It officially kicked off with a successful meeting held in Athens, Greece, on June 5-6, 2024. This ambitious initiative aspires to enable active engagement in digital energy activities and markets, promoting a pivotal role for consumers and prosumers in the ongoing energy transition.

DIGITISE is a forward-thinking project that amalgamates proven expertise and practical experience in energy systems, flexibility services, and energy markets. It emphasises social and human engagement within digital ecosystems, integrating technologies such as Innovative Cross-Sector Services, Digital Twins, DLT-enabled Marketplaces, AI Analytics, and Big Data Management. The project also prioritises interoperability and security, crafting a comprehensive consumer empowerment framework.

For more information please visit: https://digitise-horizon.eu/

CRACoWi – Cyber Resilience Act Compliance Wizard, is an innovative project addressing the growing cybersecurity challenges in the European digital market. Developed in response to the European Commission’s Cyber Resilience Act, CRACoWi provides essential tools and support to help SMEs, manufacturers, distributors, and importers meet new cybersecurity standards throughout the product lifecycle. CRACoWi is a project focused on designing a digital assistant (wizard) that guides companies on how to make their products secure from the start, throughout their lifecycle, and even after they hit the market.

CRACoWi is designed to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in adopting and complying with the Cyber Resilience Act, leveling the playing field with larger enterprises by providing structured processes and automated compliance tools.

The project funded under Grant Agreement No.101158539 is supported by the European Cybersecurity Competence Centre.

For more information please visit: https://www.cracowi.eu/

AppAart is very pleased to announce its participation in 6G-PATH Project. The 6G-PATH consortium includes 26 partners from 13 countries, including 5 partners from industry, 8 academic and/or research organization partners, 1 NGO and 12 SMEs, which together bring to the project the full range of expertise to realize its ambitious objectives.

6G-PATH, “6G Pilots and Trials Through Europe” goal is to help foster the further development and integration of new and improved tools and products from EU companies with 5G/6G, while also measuring relevant key performance indicators (KPIs) and key value indicators (KVIs). To achieve this, 7 testbeds will be part of the project consortium, which will be used by 10 use cases spread across four key verticals: Health, Education, Smart Cities and Farming. 

Officially launched on 1 January 2024 and its duration is 36 months and is a collaborative endeavour co-funded jointly by #SNSJU and the #EU.

Click here for more information.

Evolved 5G large-scale Media & PPDR test infrastructures

FIDAL, Field Trials beyond 5G, is a 36-month project, funded under stream D of  Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) aiming to explore and demonstrate 5G/6G technologies by implementing large-scale trials and pilots.

FIDAL project is targeting the augmentation of human capabilities, allowing vertical industry players to perform advanced technological and business validation in large-scale field trials of highly innovative and advanced applications, that exploit beyond 5G technologies. This, in turn, will provide extensive and valuable feedback to the broader industry, academia, innovators and community before wide commercial deployments of Beyond 5G networks throughout Europe.

Overall objective is to validate Beyond 5G technologies in a user context to maximize downstream take up, thus cultivating the ground for 6G.     

Find out more here

Coordinator: NOVA Teleccomunications single member S.A.
Scientific person in charge of the project: Dr. Ioannis Markopoulos


Call: [H2022-SNS-JU-2022]

MedDietAgent is a context-aware mobile computing system aiming at harmonizing one individual’s dietary choises with national dietary guidelines, and more specifically, dietary patterns consistent with the Greek culinary culture, emphasizing the Mediterranean diet. The main innovative element of the MedDietAgent consists in the employment of reinforcement learning techniques, which provide dynamic recommendations by monitoring the user’s environment and targeting at optimizing a reward function.

Thus, MedDietAgent acts as an agent which progressively aligns the daily dietary choices to the healthy Mediterranean style, by continuously monitoring the user’s dietary history along with his/her pertinent context and according to the extent at which the personal nutritional goals have been achieved.

The dietary state of an individual, which formulates the reinforcement leaning algorithm’s input, is captured by combining multimodal food recording and automated food nutritional analysis. In particular, MedDietAgent employs machine learning for natural language processing and compute vision in order to enhance the granularity level of food recording and analysis, minimizing, in parallel, the time complexity of the food
recording procedure. Accordingly, the MedDietAgent data representation model will be based on holographic imaging technologies, aiming at increasing the commitment to the proposed application, and eventually. the degree of compliance with the Mediterranean dietary pattern. MedDietAgent’s functionality will be tailored to the user’s personal preferences and those environmental factors affecting his / her choices and decisions (at home, in the work environment, in the restaurant, on holidays).

MedDietAgent targets healthy adults or chronic disease patients taking into account additional medical parameters.

EPAnEK 2014-2020 Operational Programme, Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, Innovation

Find out more at MedDietAgent.gr

5G SOLUTIONS for European Citizens ``5G -SOLUTIONS``

5G-SOLUTIONS is a HORIZON 2020 three-year-duration project, held and run by 26 partners, supporting the EC’s 5G policy by implementing the last phase of the 5G cPPP roadmap. It aims to prove and validate that 5G provides prominent industry verticals with ubiquitous access to a wide range of forward-looking services with orders of magnitude of improvement over 4G, thus bringing the 5G vision closer to realisation. This will be achieved through conducting advanced field-trials of innovative use cases, directly involving endusers across five significant industry vertical domains: Factories of the Future, Smart Energy, Smart Cities, Smart Ports,Media & Entertainment.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 856691

For more information please click here


5G Experimentation Environment for 3rd Party Media Services - 5GMediaHUB

5GMediaHUB is a Horizon 2020 project with multiple partners from eleven European countries within academic, multimedia, IT and telecommunications sectors.

The project will take place over the next three years and its ultimate goal is to become a world leader in 5G and the consortium is funded by the European Commission and coordinated by the Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC). The aim is to provide opportunity to third party application developers of media services to try, test and validate their media applications by using the 5GMediaHUB experimentation facility, in order to decrease the time needed for an enterprise to make its services available to end-users.

The 5GMediaHUB will build two separate testing and validation platforms on the 5G testbeds from Telenor in Norway and CTTC in Spain. The 5G services experimentation facility is intended to provide a secure, multi-tenant service execution and network applications (NetApps) development environment.

Read more: 5GMediaHUB


5G-DATA is a project funded by Business Innovation Greece programme, which is financed by the EEA Grants and managed by Innovation Norway. Business Innovation Greece is a programme that aims to increase value creation and sustainable growth in the Greek business sector. The overall goal of 5G-DATA project is to develop a solution that optimizes the management of streaming sequences of values overtime – commonly referred to as time – series data – and eases the task of fetching, maintaining and utilizing network information in the control plane of the Software Defined Networking (SDN) architecture.

For more information please visit: https://app-art.gr/5g-data.


Supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, in the frame of the Programme «Business Innovation Greece»

TelcoSNA is a project related to telecommunications social network analysis and machine learning technology and is scheduled for a period of 36 months. The goal of TelcoSNA is to strengthen the predictive capacity of the mechanisms currently used by Telecommunication Operators to identify in time its customers who are likely to leave their service.

Find out more TelcoSNA

EPAnEK 2014-2020 Operational Programme, Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, Innovation

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